Monday, July 2, 2012

The Plate Set Before Us

In a book I am currently reading, the author wrote this statement: "Accept the size of your plate and fill it." The author was spiritually speaking and the quote truly challenged me and caused me to think deeply about my life and it's purpose.
No matter where you are in life, the Lord has a "plate" he wants to set before you. Each person has a purpose, a special job that God wants you to do. Some plates are big and some plates are small, depending on spiritual maturity and/or seasons in life. The further along we are in our walk with God, determines our various positions and jobs. We wouldn't expect a new Christian to become a pastor the day after they were saved, nor would we expect a believer that's been saved for 30 years to not be mentoring, teaching, etc. Another important factor in the size of your plate is where you are in life. Sometimes God calls us to center our focus on a different task that is more direct than broad. No matter the size of your plate, it is important and necessary to the kingdom of God and in obedience, we need to keep it filled.
Every plate has a main dish and sides. Your "main dish," your main job/calling may be teaching, pastoring, mentoring, leadership, behind-the-scenes tasks, etc. Regardless of your main calling, it must be centered around one thing - bringing glory to God. God gives each of gifts as he sees fit, and we are to use those gifts to spread the good news of salvation in Christ and ultimately give God the worship he deserves. Not only does a plate have a main dish, but it also has side dishes that should compliment the main dish. We have our main calling from the Lord, but he also allows us to participate in other jobs or tasks that compliment our main calling - glorifying him. These sides dishes may be our titles in life - spouse, parent, boss, fireman, governor, or cashier. No matter what our "side dishes" are in life, they must not compete with our main calling of brining glory to God. When a side dish takes the place of the main dish - the plate is no longer serving its purpose.
Some people try to overcrowd their plate. Have you ever seen someone, or yourself, overfill their plate to the point where it becomes a mess? The plate is no longer appetizing and the feeling of overeating will cause sickness. Sometimes, we have to learn to say "no." This is extremely difficult for some people because of various reasons. We don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, we want to be involved in everything, or we have the fear of being left out or left behind. Overcrowding your life will only lead to being burnt out. Long periods of burn out can lead to depression and bitterness. Not every opportunity that comes across our path is beneficial to our plate and doesn't compliment our main dish. Because of this, we must pray daily for wisdom and guidance. We must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's direction for our lives.
On the flip side of an overcrowded plate, we must not have a plate that is too bare. Being a complacent Christian equals an unsatisfied Christian. Saying no to the things God says yes to will lead to a life of misdirected purpose and is basically selfish. A bare plate will lead to depression, loneliness, and lukewarmness. Whether your plate is big or small - it needs to stay filled in order to fulfill the plan that God has for you.
We all have things we want to fulfill in life, but it is of utmost importance that our goals match our Father's goals for us. He knows what's best and what's needed most to achieve the greatest life possible. We must trust in his plan and be sensitive to the size and contents of the plate that he has set before us.

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