Thursday, June 14, 2012

Recipe of the Week/Milky Way Treats

This week's recipe is definitely not one for those counting calories...sorry! However, it is a tribute to my momma. As far back as I can remember, my mom has made Milky Way Treats for every family gathering, and they are always one of the first things to be finished. I don't have a picture to post of them, but trust me, you want to try this yummy dessert sometime. :)

1 pkg crescent rolls (original)
8 fun-size Milky Way bars
melted butter (this will vary - you need just enough to dip the crescent rolls in after you have wrapped them)

Icing Ingredients:
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 t. of cocoa
3-4 t. of milk (start with 3)

Preheat oven to 375. Unroll crescent rolls. Place 1 Milky Way bar onto the larger side of each crescent roll. Roll the crescent roll toward the smaller side. Pinch up the sides of the crescent roll to make sure the Milky Way is completely covered. Dip the sides of each crescent roll into melted butter then place in a muffin tin. Bake for 11-12 minutes.

Icing Directions:
After Milky Way Treats have finished baking and are cooling, begin to make icing. Mix all icing ingredients together and the spoon on top of Milky Way Treats.

You can use any type of candy bar you would like as long as it's fun-sized. I believe my mom has used this recipe and substituted a Reese for a Milky Way. However, Milky Way has always been our favorite!
Thanks, Mom!! Enjoy!

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