Monday, September 17, 2012

An Epic Destiny

"Epic": -adj of heroic or impressive proportions, -n an episode in the lives of men in which heroic deeds are performed or attempted

Why are we here? What is our purpose? What does tomorrow hold? Is this all there is to life? Does my voice really matter? These questions and more I believe have raced through the mind of every human being at some point or another. Let's face it, life's not always easy. For some, to survive the day is considered a victory. Others find success in life, but struggle to understand their purpose. Others question their very existence. In this whole scheme we call it possible to make a difference?

Even believers in Christ who know they were created to worship him, can allow questions like the above to linger. This dangerous ground has caused many Christians to fall away and be consumed by life itself. I think to some it seems that we come out of one battle only to turn and face another. We get into a rut of just existing. If I can just make it to the weekend...If I can just make it to the next church service...If I can just make it until God moves in my situation. If I can just make it...

This whirlwind of mediocracy in our lives is not, beyond a shadow of a doubt, how our Creator meant for us to live. We were fashioned, designed, planned, purposed to be EPIC. Being epic means being heroic in impressive proportions. It's facing "life" and all the fiery darts of our enemy head on. It's going toe-to-toe with hardships and overcoming through the power of our great God.

In one of the definitions of the word "epic," the Old World Dictionary states that it is "an episode in the lives of men in which heroic deeds are performed or attempted." In our lives, we will face enemies, battles, hardships. We will fight tooth and nail against the devil on a regular basis. We will have to kill our flesh and succumb to the leading of the Spirit everyday. Sounds impossible? It might be to something that was created to be ordinary or mundane. It might be too much for something whose existence was not meant for more than just that...existing. Not you, not me. We were meant and destined for heroic acts. We were meant to be epic.

There will be times, everyday in fact, that you will be called upon to be heroic. Does this mean that you will be called upon daily to sell all your possessions and go be a missionary in the Congo? No, not necessarily, but there might be a co-worker considering suicide, a neighbor facing divorce, a prostitute who doesn't understand her worth, a child who's being abused, a fellow Christian who faces severe discouragement, or your own flesh warring against your spirit. In times like this, our most heroic and epic acts can take place. Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with us in and of ourselves, but it's when we allow Christ to use us to minister to these individuals that we see our epic purpose unveiled.

These battles, although huge in the scheme of life, are easy to overlook. We walk around everyday, almost blindly, to the fact that individuals need us to be selflessly heroic. This world is dying. It's decaying and rotting in the filth of bondage and sin. There are people, who may not even know they need rescuing, that need us to face danger (persecution, humiliation, rejection) to save their eternities. Don't overlook your moments to be epic. They happen every day. God has set us up for epic destinies, because he has a divine plan and purpose for his glory. He is an epic Father, therefore he can make us epic children. Keep your eyes open. Don't miss your "episode in life in which heroic deeds are to be performed." Don't worry, don't fret. If GOD be for you, does it really matter what's against you? Be EPIC.

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