Monday, September 24, 2012

The Prisoner in the Third Cell

What do you do when life doesn't go the way you think it should?
What do you do when things don't end up the way you had planned?
What do you do when God doesn't meet your expectations?

If you're any normal human being, you've been disappointed with some things in life. A lost job, a betrayal, loss of a child, an illness - these things and more can bring more than just disappointment. They can bring shear despair. How will you react when things don't go the way you thought they would? What will you do when God doesn't move in the way you expected Him to?

If you are struggling with situations such as these, I hope you will take the time to read the following book written by Gene Edwards. It's called Prisoner in the Third Cell. It is a story featured around John the Baptist, one of the most devoted followers of Christ to ever live. John the Baptist faced a life of hardship and a death far worse. This book depicts his possible questions, feelings, and reactions to a God that didn't come through the way he thought he would. I hope as you read this book, it blesses you, encourages you, and puts a deeper devotion to God inside your heart. It did mine! At some point or another, life will take a turn. Will you stay true to God, or will you crumble and retreat under the pressure? How will you react when God doesn't meet your expectations?

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