Monday, January 6, 2014

We See Red

As I've heard many other people say, I can't believe it's 2014! Every year seems to pass us by more quickly. Before we know it, this year will come to a close, and we again will be baffled by the speed of the passing days. Having said that, it's also got me thinking about how very close we are to the end this world as we know it. My entire life I've heard sermons from various preachers and teachers stating "Christ's return is near! You must be ready!" While I have always wholeheartedly agreed with those men and women, I also have never felt more of an urgency than I do in this new year. Every second, every moment, is a little bit closer to the return of Christ for His bride. How many people have I reached and brought into His Kingdom that will be going with me when He returns? How many people have I not shared the good news of hope in Christ with that I will have to stand before God and give an account for someday?
My wonderfully anointed pastor, who also happens to be my husband, has heard from God concerning the direction of our church for 2014. It has been proclaimed to be the year of RED. Sounds weird right?  What does red have to do with the return of Christ or with a vision for a church? God spoke very clearly to our pastor and said He wants the people of Epic Church to see red in this coming year. Red is a color of warning. It is a color that people notice quickly. It catches your eye unlike any other color. At Epic Church we are seeing red, and we hope that the body of Christ as a whole does also.
Psalms 18:29 says "For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall." This Psalm, written by David, was composed in the day the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of the evil king Saul. Later on in the same chapter David writes "He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places." I don't know about you, but it sounds to me like David, through the power of God, has been propelled full force into victory. By putting His full faith and trust in the Lord, He has been successful in battle and His life has been spared.  The world is full of the "troops" of our enemy. Satan has strategically placed his army to devour as many souls as he possibly can. Unfortunately, many times, even Christians allow him to overtake them. Every day there seems to be an increase in evilness in the world. This is no coincidence. The closer we get to the return of Christ, the more evil the world will become. With each passing day, it becomes less common to be a true follower of Christ. It is for this very reason, that the people of Epic Church have been mandated to see RED.
When you hear the expression "I'm seeing red," you relate it to someone that is extremely angry and almost crazily overtaken with emotion. We also refer this to a charging bull that sees a moving cloth. The cloth in most cases is red. In this year, we are charging full force into the kingdom of our enemy. We are running through his troop, like the Psalm says. We are leaping over the walls that he has set up to keep the people of God out. We will be relentless in our pursuit of seeing souls filled with the hope that comes with a relationship with Christ. We are seeing red.
In the city our church is located in, Harriman, TN, there are approximately 4,000 people who claim to not be affiliated with a church of any kind. This means we will be seeing red until all 4,000 of these people come to know our epic God. How will we do this you ask? We will do anything, short of sin, to see people brought into God's kingdom. Whether it's a meal to the hungry, a bottle of water to the thirsty, or even more radical methods, we aren't afraid to pursue our target.
I am not writing this blog to pat my church on the back or to say we've perfected our methods. We have a lot of work to do just like everyone else. I believe the body of Christ across the globe feels this urging, this mandate to "see red." We no longer have time to argue over petty denominational differences and preferences. If it won't make an eternal difference, then it shouldn't be discussed. Our enemy for too long has tricked us into arguing with each other while he takes a majority of the world to hell. Why would anyone want to become a follower of Christ, when we haven't given Him an appropriate representation, because we are too busy arguing and disagreeing with each other? Today, more than ever, is the time to bind together in this charge into enemy territory. Let's leap over walls together. Let's keep the vision ever in front of us. Let's see red together.
Now, what color do you see?

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