Saturday, January 25, 2014

I See Red People

      My church is currently in a sermon series called "Red." In fact, this entire year, God has given my husband the vision to be the year of RED. We are doing more, praying more, fasting more, and loving more than ever before. I've noticed that this movement isn't happening in just our church, but in churches across the globe. It's an exciting time for the body of Christ. Like anything that is done for God, however, opposition lurks around every corner. While the plan of God, to see the unbeliever enlightened by the love and power of our Father, is fulfilled, another counter-plan is being initiated. It is imperative as believers that we keep our eyes open and be watchful of this counter attack. We must defend our God-given vision and pursue this lost and dying world.

      Last week, my husband preached a sermon called "I See Red People." This message, in my opinion, was one of the best sermons I've ever heard. Not just because I'm married to the messenger, but because of the call to action it stated. Psalm 133:1-3 says "Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garment. As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion; for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life forevermore." There's absolutely no denying what this scripture is saying. We must be unified with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Without dwelling in unity, we don't have the promise of the blessing from God.

      I've pondered this message and this scripture all week. It's a scripture I've heard preached about and that I've read several times throughout my life. However, this week, it's meant more to me and convicted me more than ever before. I've had the privilege many times to see people from different backgrounds, denominations, ages, races, and cultures unify and join together for the cause of Christ. I've also had the unfortunate experience of seeing the effects of what happens when we try to destroy each other. Not only have I and my church been the ones being chewed up and spit out, but I've also been the one tearing down others with my words. It's disgusting what we do to each other. If it disgusts us, I can't imagine how much it disgusts God.

      If we would all simply take a step back, quit aiming at each other, and keep our focus on the commission our Father has called us to, we would see a day of Pentecost revival with 3000 or more being added to the Kingdom even in a day's time. If we would realize that God gives us all the same vision - love Him, reach the lost - we wouldn't meddle in the methods other churches use. IF IT'S NOT BLATANT SIN THAT THE BIBLE SPEAKS AGAINST, THEN LEAVE IT ALONE. While we spend our days cutting down one another, one more soul enters hell for all eternity. While we sit around and gossip and backbite other believers, another family goes without food. While we waste our time criticizing and looking down our nose at ministries, another person seeks love and fulfillment in what this world has to offer instead of the eternal love that God offers. What if we would work together? What if we would quit wounding the soldier wearing the same uniform fighting next to us and fought against the forces of our true enemy? What if?

      It's a proven scientific fact that when all hews of light shine in the same place, the mixture of the colors produces a white light. You would think that all colors of light put together would make an ugly brownish-mess, but it has the opposite effect. When all colors combine and work together in unity, the purity of the white light is able to be seen. In similar fashion, when the body of Christ, worldwide, works together, that's when this world will be able to see the pure, beautiful, spotless love of God. Take one color away and it will not work. We were meant to work together, not against each other. We all have aspects, talents, and ideas we can use to reach those that need us most. What works for my area and culture may not work for yours and vice versa. However, though our methods may be different, not sinful, but different, we are all still pursuing one goal. That goal should be to see God uplifted and souls brought into the fold. Let's be a RED people...together.

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