Monday, July 14, 2014

My Nephew and the Sand Castle

Isaiah 64:8 "Yet, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our Potter, and we all are the work of Your hand."

      I recently returned from a wonderful trip to Vero Beach, FL with my family. In my opinion, the beach is the most beautiful place to be. It never ceases to leave me in awe of the handiwork of God. I look at the sand and remember the scripture in Psalm 139 that tells us that the Lord's thoughts towards us are more numerous than the grains of sand. I see how the tide continuously comes in and has been doing so for centuries and centuries. It's just a magnificent place.

      On the beach trip I previously mentioned, my sweet almost-seven-year-old nephew, Jadon, was building a sand castle. He was very intent and focused on this sand castle. He worked diligently adding detail and was doing a fantastic job, might I add. Jadon had his back to the ocean, so he was unaware that as he took his time, the tide was continuously getting closer and closer to him and his masterpiece. Within seconds, one big wave demolished his castle and flattened it to a pancake. I watched Jadon's face, knowing that he would get up frustrated, put his bucket and shovel away, and go boogey board or something. However, what he did not only surprised me but spoke volumns to me about the character of God. Instead of getting mad, Jadon breathed a little sigh, sat there for a second in thought, and picked up his bucket and shovel and started building the sand castle again, this time adding more detail and making it bigger than the first.

      I wish I could say that the waves left his castle alone this second time, but unfortunately, the same incident happened again - flattened like a pancake. For the third time, Jadon picked up his bucket and shovel and started to rebuild. It's then that God spoke to me. {In one of those really strong ways that you can audibly hear His whisper.} He said, this is how I am with you. Sometimes, I am the builder and you are the sand. Life's waves come and flatten you at times, but I don't get frustrated with you. I don't give up and say forget this one. Rather, I remake you with more detail and with more beauty than you were before. In fact, every time I remake you, I want you to look a little more like Me. 

      God spoke to me again - Sometimes, you are the castle builder, trying to build my Kingdom with your ministry, and the enemy comes to flatten it like pancake. In these times, child, don't throw away the bucket and shovel. Instead, take a breathe and start to build again. You will be tempted to move to a different spot to build the sand castle, because it would be easier. However, that's not where I want you to be. I want you close to the water, because that's where the best sand for building is. 

      Our ministries don't exist for ourselves. Our work doesn't happen to glorify us. Our ministries and all that we are exists solely to please the Father. The best "sand" for building the Kingdom lies right where we could most easily get hurt or be overwhelmed. Discipleship isn't always fun, and it's certainly not without trouble and heartache. However, the best castles are built out of the moist sand that's close to the water. We are to invade our enemy's territory to love and disciple. He will do all he can to destroy the work of God. We are to march straight into the space closest to the waves that may try to flatten us. That's where we can get our hands most dirty...and produce the most beautiful of sand castles.

      When trials make us feel like we have been flattened like a pancake, we shouldn't fear or get discouraged. God continually remakes us into a beautiful work of His hands. As He does with us, so should we do with others. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works..." {Ephesians 2:10} 
Keep. Building.

{photo taken from}

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