Friday, June 1, 2012

A Pulpit of My Own...

As a pastor's wife, I have the honor of getting to hear my husband preach each Sunday. However, I also often get a "preview" of each sermon before he ever stands behind the pulpit. I am often astounded at the things the Lord speaks through him and love the creative way my husband and staff of Courts of Praise Church bring forth that message each week. Even though I do get those "previews," I am still challenged to do better in my walk with God and left with lots of thoughts after the service has ended. 

The Lord has laid it on my heart to share some of those thoughts. Even though I am not one to get up and speak from behind the pulpit, I am a firm believer that every Christian should use whatever is at hand as a "pulpit." Just because we don't have the title of "pastor" or "evangelist" doesn't excuse us from sharing the gospel with others. We must daily be searching for the opportunities that God places in our path to be an encouragement to someone. Yes, HE DOES THIS DAILY. Somedays those opportunities may be seemingly small and insignificant to us, but to someone else it may mean the choice between life or death. 

My goal in this blog is to be not only an encouragement, but to just have a place to be real about everyday life. Sometimes we get so caught up in our "churchy" conversations that we overlook the simple, everyday things of this great life that God has blessed us with. Anyways, enough rambling for now. Be on the lookout for your "pulpit" today. Thanks for reading!! 


  1. Thanks, Ashlee. I'm looking forward to reading what God has to say through your blog. Love ya!

  2. Thanks for sharing Ms. Ashley! Glad you are transparent so others can know the real you, and grow with you in Jesus Christ! Love and Appreciate ya'll!!
