Monday, July 14, 2014

My Nephew and the Sand Castle

Isaiah 64:8 "Yet, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our Potter, and we all are the work of Your hand."

      I recently returned from a wonderful trip to Vero Beach, FL with my family. In my opinion, the beach is the most beautiful place to be. It never ceases to leave me in awe of the handiwork of God. I look at the sand and remember the scripture in Psalm 139 that tells us that the Lord's thoughts towards us are more numerous than the grains of sand. I see how the tide continuously comes in and has been doing so for centuries and centuries. It's just a magnificent place.

      On the beach trip I previously mentioned, my sweet almost-seven-year-old nephew, Jadon, was building a sand castle. He was very intent and focused on this sand castle. He worked diligently adding detail and was doing a fantastic job, might I add. Jadon had his back to the ocean, so he was unaware that as he took his time, the tide was continuously getting closer and closer to him and his masterpiece. Within seconds, one big wave demolished his castle and flattened it to a pancake. I watched Jadon's face, knowing that he would get up frustrated, put his bucket and shovel away, and go boogey board or something. However, what he did not only surprised me but spoke volumns to me about the character of God. Instead of getting mad, Jadon breathed a little sigh, sat there for a second in thought, and picked up his bucket and shovel and started building the sand castle again, this time adding more detail and making it bigger than the first.

      I wish I could say that the waves left his castle alone this second time, but unfortunately, the same incident happened again - flattened like a pancake. For the third time, Jadon picked up his bucket and shovel and started to rebuild. It's then that God spoke to me. {In one of those really strong ways that you can audibly hear His whisper.} He said, this is how I am with you. Sometimes, I am the builder and you are the sand. Life's waves come and flatten you at times, but I don't get frustrated with you. I don't give up and say forget this one. Rather, I remake you with more detail and with more beauty than you were before. In fact, every time I remake you, I want you to look a little more like Me. 

      God spoke to me again - Sometimes, you are the castle builder, trying to build my Kingdom with your ministry, and the enemy comes to flatten it like pancake. In these times, child, don't throw away the bucket and shovel. Instead, take a breathe and start to build again. You will be tempted to move to a different spot to build the sand castle, because it would be easier. However, that's not where I want you to be. I want you close to the water, because that's where the best sand for building is. 

      Our ministries don't exist for ourselves. Our work doesn't happen to glorify us. Our ministries and all that we are exists solely to please the Father. The best "sand" for building the Kingdom lies right where we could most easily get hurt or be overwhelmed. Discipleship isn't always fun, and it's certainly not without trouble and heartache. However, the best castles are built out of the moist sand that's close to the water. We are to invade our enemy's territory to love and disciple. He will do all he can to destroy the work of God. We are to march straight into the space closest to the waves that may try to flatten us. That's where we can get our hands most dirty...and produce the most beautiful of sand castles.

      When trials make us feel like we have been flattened like a pancake, we shouldn't fear or get discouraged. God continually remakes us into a beautiful work of His hands. As He does with us, so should we do with others. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works..." {Ephesians 2:10} 
Keep. Building.

{photo taken from}

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I See Red People

      My church is currently in a sermon series called "Red." In fact, this entire year, God has given my husband the vision to be the year of RED. We are doing more, praying more, fasting more, and loving more than ever before. I've noticed that this movement isn't happening in just our church, but in churches across the globe. It's an exciting time for the body of Christ. Like anything that is done for God, however, opposition lurks around every corner. While the plan of God, to see the unbeliever enlightened by the love and power of our Father, is fulfilled, another counter-plan is being initiated. It is imperative as believers that we keep our eyes open and be watchful of this counter attack. We must defend our God-given vision and pursue this lost and dying world.

      Last week, my husband preached a sermon called "I See Red People." This message, in my opinion, was one of the best sermons I've ever heard. Not just because I'm married to the messenger, but because of the call to action it stated. Psalm 133:1-3 says "Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garment. As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion; for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life forevermore." There's absolutely no denying what this scripture is saying. We must be unified with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Without dwelling in unity, we don't have the promise of the blessing from God.

      I've pondered this message and this scripture all week. It's a scripture I've heard preached about and that I've read several times throughout my life. However, this week, it's meant more to me and convicted me more than ever before. I've had the privilege many times to see people from different backgrounds, denominations, ages, races, and cultures unify and join together for the cause of Christ. I've also had the unfortunate experience of seeing the effects of what happens when we try to destroy each other. Not only have I and my church been the ones being chewed up and spit out, but I've also been the one tearing down others with my words. It's disgusting what we do to each other. If it disgusts us, I can't imagine how much it disgusts God.

      If we would all simply take a step back, quit aiming at each other, and keep our focus on the commission our Father has called us to, we would see a day of Pentecost revival with 3000 or more being added to the Kingdom even in a day's time. If we would realize that God gives us all the same vision - love Him, reach the lost - we wouldn't meddle in the methods other churches use. IF IT'S NOT BLATANT SIN THAT THE BIBLE SPEAKS AGAINST, THEN LEAVE IT ALONE. While we spend our days cutting down one another, one more soul enters hell for all eternity. While we sit around and gossip and backbite other believers, another family goes without food. While we waste our time criticizing and looking down our nose at ministries, another person seeks love and fulfillment in what this world has to offer instead of the eternal love that God offers. What if we would work together? What if we would quit wounding the soldier wearing the same uniform fighting next to us and fought against the forces of our true enemy? What if?

      It's a proven scientific fact that when all hews of light shine in the same place, the mixture of the colors produces a white light. You would think that all colors of light put together would make an ugly brownish-mess, but it has the opposite effect. When all colors combine and work together in unity, the purity of the white light is able to be seen. In similar fashion, when the body of Christ, worldwide, works together, that's when this world will be able to see the pure, beautiful, spotless love of God. Take one color away and it will not work. We were meant to work together, not against each other. We all have aspects, talents, and ideas we can use to reach those that need us most. What works for my area and culture may not work for yours and vice versa. However, though our methods may be different, not sinful, but different, we are all still pursuing one goal. That goal should be to see God uplifted and souls brought into the fold. Let's be a RED people...together.

Monday, January 6, 2014

We See Red

As I've heard many other people say, I can't believe it's 2014! Every year seems to pass us by more quickly. Before we know it, this year will come to a close, and we again will be baffled by the speed of the passing days. Having said that, it's also got me thinking about how very close we are to the end this world as we know it. My entire life I've heard sermons from various preachers and teachers stating "Christ's return is near! You must be ready!" While I have always wholeheartedly agreed with those men and women, I also have never felt more of an urgency than I do in this new year. Every second, every moment, is a little bit closer to the return of Christ for His bride. How many people have I reached and brought into His Kingdom that will be going with me when He returns? How many people have I not shared the good news of hope in Christ with that I will have to stand before God and give an account for someday?
My wonderfully anointed pastor, who also happens to be my husband, has heard from God concerning the direction of our church for 2014. It has been proclaimed to be the year of RED. Sounds weird right?  What does red have to do with the return of Christ or with a vision for a church? God spoke very clearly to our pastor and said He wants the people of Epic Church to see red in this coming year. Red is a color of warning. It is a color that people notice quickly. It catches your eye unlike any other color. At Epic Church we are seeing red, and we hope that the body of Christ as a whole does also.
Psalms 18:29 says "For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall." This Psalm, written by David, was composed in the day the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of the evil king Saul. Later on in the same chapter David writes "He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places." I don't know about you, but it sounds to me like David, through the power of God, has been propelled full force into victory. By putting His full faith and trust in the Lord, He has been successful in battle and His life has been spared.  The world is full of the "troops" of our enemy. Satan has strategically placed his army to devour as many souls as he possibly can. Unfortunately, many times, even Christians allow him to overtake them. Every day there seems to be an increase in evilness in the world. This is no coincidence. The closer we get to the return of Christ, the more evil the world will become. With each passing day, it becomes less common to be a true follower of Christ. It is for this very reason, that the people of Epic Church have been mandated to see RED.
When you hear the expression "I'm seeing red," you relate it to someone that is extremely angry and almost crazily overtaken with emotion. We also refer this to a charging bull that sees a moving cloth. The cloth in most cases is red. In this year, we are charging full force into the kingdom of our enemy. We are running through his troop, like the Psalm says. We are leaping over the walls that he has set up to keep the people of God out. We will be relentless in our pursuit of seeing souls filled with the hope that comes with a relationship with Christ. We are seeing red.
In the city our church is located in, Harriman, TN, there are approximately 4,000 people who claim to not be affiliated with a church of any kind. This means we will be seeing red until all 4,000 of these people come to know our epic God. How will we do this you ask? We will do anything, short of sin, to see people brought into God's kingdom. Whether it's a meal to the hungry, a bottle of water to the thirsty, or even more radical methods, we aren't afraid to pursue our target.
I am not writing this blog to pat my church on the back or to say we've perfected our methods. We have a lot of work to do just like everyone else. I believe the body of Christ across the globe feels this urging, this mandate to "see red." We no longer have time to argue over petty denominational differences and preferences. If it won't make an eternal difference, then it shouldn't be discussed. Our enemy for too long has tricked us into arguing with each other while he takes a majority of the world to hell. Why would anyone want to become a follower of Christ, when we haven't given Him an appropriate representation, because we are too busy arguing and disagreeing with each other? Today, more than ever, is the time to bind together in this charge into enemy territory. Let's leap over walls together. Let's keep the vision ever in front of us. Let's see red together.
Now, what color do you see?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Walking Dead

Have you ever wondered "What is my purpose?"

No doubt all of us at some point or another have felt lost or confused as to why we were put on this earth. During times of frustration we may feel that there's no point to our existence, or we may feel we are unnecessary to the functioning of this world. Even Christians, whether saved for 5 minutes or 50 years, can often go through these feelings of questioning their reason for life. If these feelings are not taken captive, or if a solution is not found, they can lead to depression, hopelessness, and eventually death.

The world is full of people who are carrying the weight of not knowing their purpose. It's a deadly epidemic that plagues our society. It's a virus that eats away at the spirits of people. Some walk around thinking they know their purpose, but only find emptiness and a false sense of confidence. We can see the cycles of hopelessness being passed down from parents to their children. It's as if society is a bunch of zombies walking around with the appearance that they have it all made, that they are full of life and purpose. At closer glance, these zombies are actually not full of life at all, but rather full of darkness and death.

It is within each of us to need to be "needed." It is within each of us the desire to succeed at something. We do all have a purpose, but too often our perception of our purpose is muddled and even flat out wrong! What is your purpose and my purpose you ask? We find the answer not in figuring out what our desire is for our destiny. That will only lead to a stronger dose of the disease. Our purpose is not in how many accolades we can acquire or how successful we can be according to the world's standards. Our true purpose, the only one that will give LASTING satisfaction, is found in fulfilling the calling and duty God has placed upon us.

Our church's mission statement is Worship. Love. Serve. Simple, huh? Yet, these three words contain the purpose of every human being that has ever walked the earth or ever will walk the earth. The sum of our existence lies in these three very simplistic words. Worship God. Love God and others. Serve God and others.

Worship. Remember the zombies I mentioned earlier? If you have ever seen the TV show "The Walking Dead" you know that humans turn into flesh-eating zombies because of a disease that every person carries. If you are bit or scratched by a zombie, or even at your natural death, your body turns from what was a normal human to a creature that is dead yet walking around. These zombies, like those who don't understand their true purpose, are in complete darkness. As worshippers of the one true God, we are full of His light. Every time we surrender ourselves wholly and completely to Him, He fills us continually with His light. Light and darkness cannot exist in the same place at the same time. It will either be dark or light. When we carry the light of God through our worship of Him and Him alone, we expel the darkness of this world. Every place our feet tread, we are expelling the darkness of no purpose, and showing with very clear light, that the purpose of God is the key to life.

Love. The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." Love contains a power stronger that any other. Love is what drives us to do what we do. Love for our children drives us to do everything in our power to protect them and bring them up to be productive members of society. Love for our spouse drives us to be the best we can for them. We put their needs above ours. Love for our job drives us to bring our best efforts each day. These loves are good and they have their places, but the greatest love of all comes not from a spouse, child, or job, but from our Heavenly Father, who by definition is love. God is love. Love is God. You cannot divide or separate love from God or God from love, because that's who He is. His love covers over our sin and transgression. His love in us is the cure for the disease that turns people who are full of potential into lifeless zombies. We cannot honestly call ourselves a disciple of Christ if we do not love.

Serve. To serve means to put our needs and desires aside to fulfill the needs of another. There are many things that we can do to serve others, especially zombies. It may be a hot meal, clothing for the naked, a bottle of water, a place to stay, friendship/discipleship, or even just a smile when you really don't feel like smiling. As a follower of Christ, we must serve. We cannot escape this calling or diminish this calling, because it's who we are. We are servants. Mark 10:45 says "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." If Christ is who we exemplify, and even He didn't come to earth to be served but to be a servant, how much more are we called to be servants. When we serve others, especially zombies, we are showing them the love and hope in Christ. We are literally being the hands and feet of Jesus. There is no greater honor! There is no trophy that can be won, no promotion that can be attained, no more a prestigious title that can be given than to be considered a servant of the Most High God.

Unlike the show "The Walking Dead," where nothing can be done to help a zombie besides stabbing its brain, there is hope for the zombies in our society. There is hope and life in Christ Jesus. Aside from that, it's darkness and death. We hold the cure to the disease of no purpose and no hope. Let's inject it into our world for the glory of God.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What's Mine is Mine

 It never ceases to amuse me to watch small children argue over toys. Child #1 sees an appealing toy, takes it, and begins to play with it. Child #2, who has been entertained with other toys until this moment, sees Child #1 with the toy and is overcome with a desire for the toy in Child #1's possession. Child #2 proceeds to snatch the toy from Child #1, not without a fight of course. Child #1 then chooses to either punch, kick, bite, yell, tattle, or some other method to get the toy back that they originally had stating "MINE!"
  Isn't it amazing how we take ownership of certain things in our lives. We would never allow another human being to steal away our personal possessions that are of most value to us. A loving mother wouldn't allow a stranger to take her child without a fight. A protective father wouldn't allow a thief to rob his family of their belongings. These examples and many others depict our feelings of ownership and love for the things we hold dear to our hearts. What's mine is mine!
  In the book of 2 Samuel chapter 3 we see a story that reminds me of how dear we hold our possessions to us. To give you a little background, King Saul, the leader of God's people, is dead. The kingdom is divided, some still clinging to Saul's part of the kingdom, and the others under rule of David, the man anointed to be the King of Israel by God himself. King Saul had a captain in his army named Abner. Abner, after being accused of immorality and offended by one of Saul's sons, decides to help out David instead. Abner sends messengers to David asking him if he would like to strike up a deal with him. Abner says he will "help bring the whole country of Israel over to you (David)." David agrees to a deal with Abner, but the condition he gives is that Abner must bring Michal back to him. Michal is King Saul's daughter and David's first wife who was given to David by Saul for slaying Goliath and 100 other Philistines. David had to leave Michal with her father, because Saul had tried many times to kill David because of jealousy. When Abner brings Michal, who has since married another man, Paltiel, he follows his wife sobbing. In a place called Bahurim, Abner turns to this sobbing husband and tells him to go home.
  At first, when reading this story, I find myself feeling so awful for Paltiel. No doubt he loves Michal, because we see him showing emotion at her loss. He is losing his wife to a king. It doesn't quite seem  fair, does it? The more I thought about this story, the more my feelings began to shift. You see, Michal belonged to David FIRST. She was his first wife who he loved and worked very hard to obtain. Over the time that they had to be apart, which was quite some time, he must have never stopped thinking of her. Yes, he married more wives, and she married another man, but it makes me wonder if they always thought of each other and longed for each other. She belonged to him and he belonged to her. Circumstances caused them to have to be apart, but maybe they always desired to be together in their hearts.
  Sometimes in our lives, our King, God, requires us to give up some things. We can identify with Paltiel, Michal's husband, when we are asked to give these things up. We are upset and sad, because we want to keep the things we see as "belongings" to ourselves. God may ask us to give up our time, money, desires, plans, tv shows, and most of all our hearts. He desires our lives. It can be a painful exchange for us giving these things up. It doesn't always seem fair. Why should I have to give up more of my paycheck, didn't I work hard to earn it? Why does God want me to take time to disciple someone, can't he just have the pastor to do that? Why can't I fulfill my dreams for my life, God?  These and many other questions may swirl through our minds as we try to wrestle our "toy" from God.
Paltiel followed his wife until they reached a place called Bahurim. The word Bahurim means choice. At some point in our lives, we have to make a choice. Am I willing to let God have those things in my life that he desires? Am I willing to sacrifice my entire life and all that I am for my Savior? Do I love him enough to be willing to let some things go? We have to make a choice. Not to say it's going to be easy, because we all know that giving up our desires for God is painfully difficult. It's as if a piece of us is being torn away. The difference between King David and our God is this...David gave nothing to Paltiel in exchange for taking Michal. God always replaces those things that we must give up to him. In fact he doesn't just replace them, he multiplies and gives us exceedingly, abundantly above what we had before. But he will only do this if we surrender to his will.
  We can't say "What's mine is mine" to God. In reality, it all belongs to him anyways, just like Michal really belonged to David first. 1 Corinthians 6:20 says that "You are bought with a price." When we choose to become a follower of Christ, we are choosing to give it all away in devotion to the Savior. We are choosing his will over our's, his plan over our's, his desires over our desires. My life isn't my own. It belongs to him. Whats's His is His...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Next Level

As we come into this new year, 2013, we are not only entering into a new calendar year, but a new year spiritually as well. It's a new season, a time for celebration. I believe with all my heart that God is going to go above and beyond what we could ever imagine this year. He is taking His church to the next level. Jeremiah 29:13-14 says (MSG) "When you come looking for me, you'll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed. - God's Decree - I'll turn things around for you. I'll bring you back from all the countries into which I drove you - God's Decree - bring you home into the place from which I sent you off into exile. You can count on it." When we get serious about wanting to go to the next level with God, he won't disappoint us. However, too often we find ourselves staying in the same place for various reasons. While thinking about this very thing, the Lord showed me six things that keep us from going to the next level in Him...

6. Weights - The purpose of a weight is to put pressure on you. It's job is to counteract the motion you want to do. If you want to curl a weight, it's job is to pull your arm downward instead of upward. In our walk with God, we can find ourselves having spiritual "weights." These weights can be anything from addictions (even those we try to justify), unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, laziness, etc. These and others are sin. Our spirit man is in pursuit of Christ, yet these weights counteract what our spirit man wants and pulls us further away from God rather than to Him. You may not notice these weights doing their job at first, but after a little while, you'll notice the pain they bring. It's very hard to lift your hands in worship if you're carrying a weight. It's very hard to hug and love your brother or sister in Christ if you're carrying a weight. It's very hard to walk in a free life like God intended if you're carrying a weight. Hebrews 12:1 says "Therefore seeing we also are surrounded with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily ensnare us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." Let's cast these weights aside so we can go to the next level with our Lord.

5. Pride - The only person I can truly blame for stagnation in my spiritual walk I am the problem. It's like we walk around with a mirror of pride, giving us the capability to only see ourselves. This problem happens to many of us who have been walking with the Lord for a long time. We get this mindset that we have arrived, that we've received all that God has for us. In our minds, we are super Christian! However in Psalm 10:4 it says "In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is not room for God." If we have the attitude that we have arrived and absorbed all that God has for us, then we are considered wicked according to God's word. We serve a God on the move, if we aren't moving with Him because of our pride, we really can't consider ourselves to be followers of Him. There was a group of people in the Bible that struggled with pride and going to the next level. They were called the Pharisees. Their pride was so great, they didn't even recognize the God they said they served.

4. Contentment - Contentment and pride go hand-in-hand. The definition of contentment is "acknowledgement and satisfaction of your currently reached capacity." Contentment is knowing where you are and being satisfied with it, even if it's not where you should be or what's best for you. Maybe your contentment is being satisfied in an experience with God you had many months or even years ago. You believe that the goosebump you felt 3 years ago is going to sustain your walk with God forever. Many people unfortunately believe the only experience you can have with God is salvation. Although salvation is the greatest thing you could ever experience, it's not all God wants to do in us. Salvation is the beginning of a lifelong walk with God in full obedience to Him. You would never hear someone say, "My marriage is terrible. My wife/husband and I never really speak, and we really don't love each other anymore. But, we had a great wedding, and I'm satisfied with that." No one would consider this to be a successful marriage, being content with only having a great wedding. A successful marriage is one that grows in love and admiration for each other. It's the same way with our walk with God. It's a continual growth and maturity in Him. Philippians 4:13 "I press on toward the goal..."

3. Too Dependent on Others - Sometimes we won't go to the next level with God, because we are relying on someone else to get us there. When we first get saved, we are spiritual "babies." This is not meant in a derogatory way by any means. Just like we are biologically born babies and grow up, when we begin our walk with God, we are spiritual babies that must grow and mature. Some of us, however, never grow. Babies rely on their every meal to be supplied by someone else, because they can't obtain it themselves. They have to learn how to feed themselves. In the same manner, we must not forever rely on someone else to "feed" us our spiritual food of prayer and Bible-reading. We are as Christians to help those that are newly saved. We must nurture them and disciple them. In time, though, we must allow them to begin to grow relying solely on the Lord. We are ignorantly thinking if we believe that the message we hear from our pastors on Sunday is going to carry us through the entire week. We must be daily feasting on His word and prayer to grow and go to the next level in Christ. It is not one's responsibility to carry you to the next level if you have known Christ for awhile. It is mine and mine alone to pursue Him. Imagine if all the people that Jesus told to take up their beds and walk would have waited until someone came along to lift them up. Their lack of faith may have stopped their healing. We in turn, must be willing to "take up our beds" and walk on in the Lord.

2. Not Kingdom-Minded - As followers of Christ, everything we do should be for the purpose of furthering the kingdom of God. No matter what the task, it should be viewed as a vital part of the growth of the Kingdom. For many, we are the only Jesus people see. Many will equate their opinion of the Lord on what they see us doing and saying. Our obedience is not only imperative because of our devotion to God, but it might be the turning point in someone's life in which they decide to follow after God. When we refuse to go to the next level, it doesn't just affect us, but the countless number of people that we are to influence. When we aren't kingdom-minded, it's as if we are wearing a blindfold, refusing to see the world around us. When we reject the idea of being kingdom-minded we are not only hindering ourselves, but taking the risk of another's blood being placed on our hands.

1. Fear - The #1 reason we don't go to the next level in Christ is fear. Every other reason could be summed up as fear. Addictions are fear, pride is fear, contentment is fear, spiritual immaturity is fear, selfishness is fear. We have fear of rejection, the unknown, failure, etc. Fear will cripple us, and leave us incapable of doing all that God desires us to do. Countless times in the Bible, God says "do not fear" or "fear not." Why? Because He knew that as humans, we would sometimes fear the future. The reality of it is, many of the things we fear never even come to pass. Fear can turn into a lack of faith. We are afraid of going to the next level, because we are afraid of what might take place there. 1 John 4:18 (KJV) says "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." God wants to lavish us with His love and fill us with His love. Fear counteracts His love. We must cast fear aside and tell it to leave in Jesus name. Let's not be crippled by fear, but rather let's operate in God's pure and faithful love.

The time to move is here and now. We must jump on board with God, or be left behind. The next level is upon us. We can move or stay stagnant. True joy and fulfillment in life lies only in pursuing God. I hope we all chase after Him with all we have in this new year.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Broke - Part 1

Job 1:1 - "In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil."

This past Sunday, my husband preached the first sermon in the series "Broke - What is Nothing Worth?" In this series, he is leading an in depth study of the book of Job. Job's story is one of brokenness, faithfulness, perseverance, and restoration. His story is an example of God's providence and favor.

His story begins with a meeting between satan and God. Satan complained to God that he had been wondering to and fro looking for someone to tempt and ultimately destroy - what he does best. God confidently answered, "Have you ever considered my servant Job? There's no one else on earth like him. He loves me and obeys me." (paraphrase) Satan retorts to the Lord that the only reason Job stays faithful to God is because of all that God has blessed him with. The deceiver further states that if God were to take away all Job's blessings, he would turn his back on God. The Lord says, "Go ahead, then, all his possessions are in your power. Take them if you want, but you cannot lay a finger on him." (paraphrase)

Satan does this very thing. Job was a very wealthy and prosperous man. God had richly blessed him with livestock, children, and good health. Within a day, Satan took Job's livestock, servants, and children, leaving Job in utter shock.

I want to pause at this point in the story to ask, "What would I do in this situation?" How would I react if I lost all I hold dear in a matter of moments? Would I get angry at God for not intervening? We may have never gone through a circumstance quite like Job's, but many times throughout our lives, we are faced with situations that cause us to make a choice of allegiance. Maybe the unthinkable happens, and we are left in deep despair. Maybe we suffer a loss so shocking and hurtful, we're not sure how we'll go on.

"Consider my servant Job..." This is the statement God told satan at their initial meeting, and it's the statement that will hold true throughout time for all of us. Job's reaction to his sufferings was weird, unexpected, and powerful. He not only didn't get angry at God and curse him - he worshipped him immediately upon learning of his losses! In our fleshly minds this makes no sense whatsoever. How can you worship in a time like that?

The answer to that question lies in your perspective. There are two types of people in Christianity and in the secular world. There are those whose lives revolve around themselves, and there are those whose lives revolve around God. When we take into perspective that sometimes God allows, not causes, certain things into our lives for our eventual good and His glory, it makes more sense as to why Job would worship through the trial. God's hand will never leave those that follow Him. Even in the trials, we have a Creator who loves us and walks with us. However, His plan and purpose is far above ours. His plan is for our good, not our demise. (Jeremiah 29:11)

I was both convicted and encouraged after this message. It left me looking at my own life during times when I haven't understood why I was going through the things I was going through. Sometimes, we go through things, not because we have sinned or because of our character, but because it is part of a grander plan. I hope to never have to go through the things Job went through, but I do hope to have the same amount of confidence from my Father as he had toward Job. He knew Job would keep the faith. He knew Job would not give up. He knew Job would still love him.

Sometimes being "broke" doesn't mean your empty. In fact, like in the case of Job, it can mean your quite rich.